Sunday, January 28, 2007

Soma Rush

I started & finished the transformation of the Soma Rush this weekend. I took it on it's inaugural ride to return a movie and it rode great. I can't wait for the commute tomorrow.

frame with headset

frame, fork, cranks, bars, etc.


Much of the bike was transferred from my old fixed gear. New stuff includes frame, chain, tires, bar tape...

Here are the stats
55 cm Soma Rush
Forte Carbon Fork
Kore bars
Fizik tape
Sette stem
Shimano brakes hoods (the left is a dummy)
Shimano 105 front brake
Surly fixed/fixed hubs with 15/17 cogs laced to black velocity aerohead rims
Soma extra thick tires
Hurricane components cranks with a 42 tooth downhill RaceFace chain ring
Time ATAC pedals
Sram chain
black seatpost (forgot the brand)
Specialized seat

Surly Tuggnut Chain Tensioner/keeper
Zefal cage
One Less Car sticker...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Some Soma Love

Friday afternoon I got home from work and found these two big boxes sitting there waiting for me.

Boxes arrive

Simon thinks the boxes are for him

Juice Unveiled

Rush Unveiled

Both frames are super pretty - I can't wait to build them up. Here's the dilemma - I can build up the Rush now by pulling apart my other fixed gear frame (I already mounted a headset). the problem is that it is sooo pretty that I don't want to ride it in the winter! I have all the parts for the Juice as well minus the fork and wheels (though I did order a Pace Carbon fork) . Unfortunately I need to sell some stuff before I can build the wheels, so if you know anyone who needs a 54cm track frame & fork, a 26' Single Speed Eccentric Eno wheelset, or a 17 inch mtn frame & fork let me know)

Friday, January 12, 2007

Soma Fabrications

I recently sent out letters to a few choice bike related companies - hoping for sponsorship opportunities. I got few responses - mostly to the tune of "Thanks for your interest, but not at this time".

I did however get a hit from a great company, Soma Fabrications out of the Bay Area. They responded back to my 'pitch' with a favorable response and are now offering me a limited sponsorship - Similar to the deal I have with Twin Six.

So anyway, I'll be replacing a couple of the bikes in the stable with some high quality steel bikes - The bikes on the chopping block are my Fixed Gear (being replaced with a Rush) - Actually the Rush I am getting will be Red.

and my single speed (being replaced with a Juice), and actually the Juice I'll be getting will be grey.