My poor blog has been orphaned. I'm going to try to post a few 'catch up' postings.
first: My 2004 race results.
Fixed Gear
Mt Tabor
Fixed Gear
Race # 2:
4th place (10 riders)
Mt Tabor
Fixed Gear
Race #3
4th (11 riders)
Mt Tabor
Fixed Gear
Race #6
5th (11 riders)
Cyclocross - Masters 30+ B (I was 30 at the time)
2004 Crosscrusade:
Masters 30+ B
Crusade # 1: Bluelake Park October 3, 2004
13th - 55 riders
Crusade #3 PIR October 17, 2004
8th - 62 riders
Crusade #4: Johnson Farm
1st Place- 67 riders
Crusade #5: Barton Park
11th - 51 Riders
Crusade #6: Estacada Timber Park
5th - 59 riders
2004 Overall Series - Best 5 out of 7
(I only raced 5) : 7th Place
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